Fundamentals of Programming. Unit 2.
  1. Title.
  2. Using Strings.
  3. Strings Versus Characters.
  4. What type does your system use?
  5. How you can use scanf() and printf() to read and display character strings and float.
  6. The strlen() function knows when to stop.
  7. Symbolic constants and the C Proprocessor.
  8. Some Symbolic Constants from limits.h.
  9. How to compile C program with math.h library?
  10. Using scanf().
  11. Exercise 1.
  12. Exercises 2, 3.
  13. Exercise 4.
  14. Introducing Loops.
  15. Expressions and Statements.
  16. Increment and Decrement Operators.
  17. Exercises 5, 6, 7.
  18. How you match...
Last Updated 12 Sep, 2018. <>